Tesnor®- Natural Testosterone Booster
Tesnor® a proprietary blend of Cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum).
Tesnor® is a food derived, standardized and IP protected testosterone boosting extract that increases in-cell testosterone production and inhibits aromatase activity as shown in in-vitro testing. It also demonstrated its ability to aid in muscle strength and growth in young males while in another study, significantly improved age-related male symptoms.
Daily doses of Tesnor® has been clinically shown to improve testosterone as well as reduce Aging Male Symptoms Scores.

Tesnor® Key Attributes
• Plant derived Testosterone booster
• Standardized Composition that meets Global Regulations that is IP Protected
• Clinically supported dosing as low as 200 mg
• Suitable for multiple applications including beverages; shots; powders
Tesnor® is supported by two clinical studies

Tesnor® : Ageing Male Testosterone Study
A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel herbal composition improving aging males symptoms in 120 healthy males (aged 36-55) over the course of 56-days.**
Three groups: (i) 200mg Tesnor® ; (ii) 400mg Tesnor™; (iii) Placebo.
** Sucharitha L. Pandit et al – International Journal of Medical Sciences – 2022; 19(8): 1290-1299. doi: 10.7150/ijms.7364
Study Results:
200mg and 400mg Tesnor® significantly:
• Increases free and total testosterone levels
• Enhanced anabolic changes
These results indicate that supplementing with Tesnor® can be a promising strategy to improve aging male symptoms, psychological wellbeing, sexual behavior, and muscle strength in males.
Tesnor® : Young Male Testosterone Study
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel herbal composition in improving testosterone levels in 120 healthy young males (aged 21-35) over the course of 56-days*.
Three groups: (i) 200mg Tesnor™; (ii) 400mg Tesnor™; (iii) Placebo.
* Poorna Gopal Azad Sreeramanenia et al – Journal of Dietary Supplements Feb 2022
200mg and 400mg Tesnor® significantly:
• Increases free testosterone levels
• Improves muscle strength (grip strength)
• Increases muscle growth

Please get in touch if you want more information or have questions about our ingredients.
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